To develop energy consumption indicators and targets for selected segments in the transport and commercial sectors , a consultancy study will be commissioned in the same period to establish current energy consumption benchmarks and future energy consumption targets 为了替运输和商业类别的一些选定组别制订能源消耗量指标及目标,一项顾问研究亦会在同期展开,以便为目前情况制定能源消耗量基准,并为将来订立能源消耗量目标。
To develop energy consumption indicators and targets for selected segments in the transport and commercial sectors , a consultancy study will be commissioned in the same period to establish current energy consumption benchmarks and future energy consumption targets 为了替运输和商业类别的一些选定组别制订能源消耗量指标及目标,一项顾问研究亦会在同期展开,以便为目前情况制定能源消耗量基准,并为将来订立能源消耗量目标。
For the future , the force will continue to adhere to the 3 - r principles " reduce , re - use , recycle " in our day - to - day housekeeping . planned actions in the coming year include setting consumption targets and actively pursuing new environmental initiatives for better green management 来年预定推行的计划包括:订定消耗目标,积极探讨新环保措施,更完善推行环保管理,以及检讨环保经理计划,研究委派各阶层人员在警队楼宇用地制订及推动环保措施。
For the future , the department will continue to adhere to the 3 - r principles of " reduce , re - use , recycle " in our day - to - day housekeeping . planned actions in the coming year will include setting consumption targets and actively pursuing new environmental initiatives and inviting views and suggestions in connection with promoting a green culture within the force 展望未来,警队在日常内务管理工作中会继续遵守物尽其用、废物利用、循环再用的原则,并推行多项行动,包括订定消耗目标,积极探讨新环保措施,以及邀请各界人士对于警队的环保工作提供意见。